Our Science
RNA editing technology is, as the name implies, "a technology for modifying RNA information.
Most human cells endogenously express an RNA editing enzymes called adenosine deaminases acting on RNA (ADARs) that convert specific RNA adenosines (A) to inosines (I). The biological mechanism of these ADAR-mediated A-to-I RNA conversion is called "A-to-I RNA editing". Inosine generated in mRNA is read as guanosine (G) during protein translation, so A-to-I RNA editing can have the same effect on genetic information as A-to-G mutation. Therefore, A-to-I RNA editing has the ability to rewrite genetic information at the RNA level.
The principle of RNA editing technology is to induce A-to-I RNA editing into the target sites, in order to regulate the function of the target gene (or protein).
Our RNA-editing oligonucleotides are specifically designed oligonucleotides that direct the RNA-editing activity of endogenous ADARs to defined sites with high efficiency and specificity.
Due to this feature, simply introducing RNA-editing oligonucleotides into cells can modify mRNA information without other exogenous factors.RNA-editing oligonucleotides can generate proteins with desired functions through a unique mechanism of A-to-I RNA editing.

In addition, RNA editing technology has wide range of application, as exemplified below. As a new approach to replace existing treatments, its application in medicine and drug discovery is highly anticipated.

FREST has multiple types of RNA-editing oligonucleotides, each of which can be used for different purposes. We are developing new oligonucleotide drugs called RNA-editing therapeutics by using the most suitable type according to the purpose.